Insuring The Elderly, Insuring The Poor | The New Republic
Copyright 2010 (text only). The Zaftig Redhead. All Rights Reserved.
Monday, April 25, 2011
Insuring The Elderly, Insuring The Poor
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6:47 PM
Labels: Democrats, healthcare, Independents, poverty, Republicans, seniors
Friday, April 8, 2011
DC: Top 10 'government shutdown pick-up lines
The government may shut down, but the bars in Washington will be hopping with thousands of furloughed federal workers with extra time on their hands and reason to drink. It’ll be a great place to meet someone new. So, for all you “non-essentials” out there, here are the top 10 “government shutdown pick-up Lines,” courtesy of Twitter’s finest.
WARNING: Cringe-inducing puns ahead. If you get half of the jokes below, you probably watch too much C-SPAN. (But you’re not alone!)
1. “That can’t be a BlackBerry in your pocket–you must be happy to see me!” -Brian Beutler of Talking Points Memo @brianbeutler
2.”Wanna come check out my debt ceiling?” – Jim Tankersly of National Journal @JimTankersly
3. “This bar has a 2 a.m. deadline and we all have to make some compromises.” – Seth Michaels of Media Matters @SethDMichaels
4. “Let’s debate this on the floor.” – Matthew Cooper of National Journal @mattizcoop
5. “Baby, the only thing that’s ‘nonessential’ about you is those pants.” – @delrayser
6. “I’ll show you a rider.” – Lizzie O’Leary of Bloomberg TV @lizzieohreally
7. “The government isn’t the only thing that goes down at midnight.” – Adam Tager @adamtager
8. “My staff is essential.” – Olivier Knox of Agence France-Presse @OKnox
9. “Baby, my resolution can continue all night.” – Clara Jefferey of Mother Jones Magazine @ClaraJeffery
10. “What’s happening baby, how furlough can you go?” – @FredSoxNation
BONUS: “I’m sure we can both find a way to satisfy our bases.” -Ryan Reilly of Talking Points Memo @ryanjreilly
Can you do better? Tweet them using the #GovtShutDownPickUpLines hashtag.
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Government Shutdown | Coming to bars across DC: Top 10 'government shutdown pick-up lines' | The Daily Caller - Breaking News, Opinion, Research, and Entertainment
The Zaftig Redhead. All Rights Reserved.
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3:20 PM
Labels: Congress, DC Brief, deficit, Obama, Senate, shutdown, unemployment
Friday, February 25, 2011
Lawmakers Won't Miss a Paycheck in Government Shutdown
Under United States law, elected Representatives and Senators are exempt from government furloughs. Thus, if the bickering children on Capitol Hill cannot come to some budget agreement, and the government shuts down, members of Congress and their $174,000 a year pay checks would keep flowing.
Yes, you read that right. While thousands of government employees would be furloughed, federal agencies and parks would close, and the paychecks of Hill staff (who will probably work anyway) would stop, elected reps and senators, as well as the president, would still get paid.
Meanwhile, a confidential new report from Goldman Sachs has found that the GOP House spending cuts, passed last week, would cut economic growth by about 2 percent of GDP. This at a time when we are just starting to see a glimmer of recovery. Way to go boys.
Congress, especially the Republicans, have lost their ever-lovin' minds. Just sayin'.
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The Zaftig Redhead. All Rights Reserved.
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2:32 PM
Labels: deficit, Democrats, economy, ethics, House, poverty, Republicans, Senate, tax and budget, unemployment
Wednesday, February 23, 2011
House GOP: Mother F#@ckers
Brilliant piece from Jon Stewart and The Daily Show about how the House GOP's slash and burn continuing resolution to complete the budget for FY11 lands squarely on the backs of women.
Daily Show: Mother F#@kers Stork BucksKristen Schaal wants to cut funding for any organization that has anything to do with abortions, including firefighters, the FAA and NASA.
The Daily Show With Jon Stewart | Mon - Thurs 11p / 10c | |||
Mother F#@kers - Stork Bucks | |||| | ||||
Copyright 2010 (text only). The Zaftig Redhead. All Rights Reserved.
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11:35 PM
Labels: appropriations, economy, feminism, House, reproductive rights, Republicans, satire, tax and budget, video, violence against women
Tuesday, February 22, 2011
Great Rant about the Asshattery in Wisconsin
Friends, I'm sure you have also been watching the events as they unfold in Wisconsin. It's democracy at work, and much is at stake. I am so frustrated, because the unions have agreed to the benefit cuts so long as they can keep their collective bargaining rights. However, the new asshat of a governor has said he will not negotiate. How crazy. That's not democracy, and he's not a dictator. Other rallies are happening across the country. You can also sign this petition for fair pay and workers rights, that will go to all 50 state legislators. Please do. This fight will affect us all, and it's headed to your state next.
Copyright 2010 (text only). The Zaftig Redhead. All Rights Reserved.
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5:49 PM
Labels: democracy, Democrats, economy, education, labor unions, pay equity, Republicans, tax and budget, video
Wednesday, February 2, 2011
Watch Teen's Stirring Speech About His Two Moms, Delivered Before Anti-Gay Iowa House
This is fucking brilliant. It's all I can say. Watch on.
Copyright 2010 (text only). The Zaftig Redhead. All Rights Reserved.
Posted by
5:57 PM
Labels: children, civil rights, democracy, ethics, family, gay rights, legislation, religious right, video, youth vote